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Music of Bali

New Compositions for Gamelan Angklung

Choice favorites of 1989

Original cassette cover The angklung ensemble features a large number of small metallophones in different sizes, each with only four keys. Because the instruments are light-weight, the angklung is most frequently heard in processions, with the musicians carrying their instruments. The most common ceremonial function is the funeral procession to the cremation grounds.

Angklung musicians are also extremely active in creating new pieces (kreasi baru), coming up with ingenious ways to expand the expressive range of this seemingly limited ensemble. There are annual competitions for new pieces, of which these three were prize-winners in 1989. The cassette was issued as a record of the contest by Bali Records.

Each of these pieces is between 11 and 12 minutes long. Catch the quote from the 1812 Overture in "Sapta Murti"!

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Nyi Tjondrolukito

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